What is it and what do I pay for?

We are a social network that helps content creators create content with the support of their fans with subscriptions and other payment. We are intermediaries between you fan and the content creators. Almost everything you pay goes to the content creator while we only take a small 11% commission for the management of the platform while the rest is taken by the payment processor.

Creators are solely responsible for determining (within the parameters for pricing on Calling Fans ) the pricing applicable to Fan/Creator Transactions and the Content to which you may be given access. All prices appear in EUR only.

Fan Payments are exclusive of VAT, which shall be added at the current rate as applicable to Fan Payments.

CANCELLATION POLICY How do I cancel my subscription?

To unsubscribe you must do it as a user by clicking on the same button with which you subscribed to the subscription. Or walking in MY SUBSCRIPTIONS and cancel your subscription from there.

If you cancel a Subscription you will continue to be permitted to view the relevant Creator's Content until the end of the subscription period in which you cancelled, after which no further payments will be taken from your payment card in respect of subscriptions to that Creator's profile (unless you choose to pay for a new Subscription to that Creator’s profile), and you will no longer be able to view the relevant Creator's Content.

You agree that you will not make unjustified requests for a refund in respect of any Fan/Creator Transaction or tip to a Creator, or unjustified chargeback requests of your payment card provider in relation to any Fan/Creator Transaction or tip to a Creator. If we consider that any request for a refund or chargeback request was made by you in bad faith, we have the right to suspend or delete your User account.

Wallet credits: You can prepay an amount on Calling Fans (known as "Wallet Credits") which you can later use to make Fan Payments. Wallet Credits are subject to a maximum amount as determined by us from time to time. Interest will not accrue on Wallet Credits. Wallet Credits are non-refundable, which means that you are not entitled to a refund of any unused Wallet Credits.

Suspension of your User account: If we suspend your User account in accordance with our rights under the Terms of Service, then any Fan Payments which would otherwise have fallen due during the period of suspension of your User account will be suspended during the period


We will only issue refunds if you prove within 24 hours that you have been double-charged or the payment processor charged you for mistakes . To obtain the refund we need proof that the charge has been paid twice to be sent to info@callingfans.it

However, remember that in most cases it is because you clicked twice in the subscription price without giving the system time to read.

Problems entering the site?

Surely you forget the password or you will have created a double account. In this case, the procedure is to forget the password in the system and you will insert in your email the procedure to reset it. Check well Beware of seeing even spam or junk mail.

What happens if I don't delete it and don't use the platform?

Nothing nobody will use your personal data. We are not a company that uses and personal data of users as we do not make money from advertising like other companies. It does not enter the system that will rhyme as it has lasted. Nobody and I repeat nobody ever enter in your place if we don't know the password and nobody can use email or personal data.